What is a
A will is a legal document that protects your family and assets, and expresses your wishes after you pass on. Without a will, your estate is distributed in accordance with rules set by the government. It is one of the most important legal documents to have drawn up for you and your family. We’ll provide sound advice about what you need to consider in your will, and how you need to own your assets. A will is a living document and should be reviewed periodically to ensure it reflects your wishes accurately, especially as life changes. Life is unpredictable, so if you don’t have a will, talk to us today.
Situations where you’ll need a Will lawyer:
- Determining the distribution of your estate
- If you have a Kiwisaver account
- If you get married or enter into a civil union
- Taking care of minors
- Making gifts and donations
- Ensuring your wishes are met regarding beneficiaries
- Winding up your estate
Ready to start your will?
Fill out the form below and one of our professional team will be in touch.
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