
Gifford Devine - Business Briefs

Business briefs

Five companies sentenced over Whakaari/White Island eruption; Navigating financial distress; Commerce Commission win over Viagogo; CCCFA update

Gifford Devine - Can losses be recovered from a faulty building

Can losses be recovered from a faulty building?

The High Court recently found that the construction and insurance sectors can rely on limited liability clauses when defending claims for negligence or breach of contract in commercial projects.

Photo of the Beehive, Wellington Parliament Building

The Budget 2024

The Minister of Finance, Nicola Willis, delivered her first Budget on 30 May. The promised tax cuts have been delivered by adjusting the tax brackets. The minister admitted the Budget is “tight, but realistic” and she intends to stick closely to the allocated spending.

Gifford Devine - Business briefs

Business briefs

Cartel conduct: New Zealand’s first ever criminal cartel prosecution; New privacy rules for biometrics; New reporting obligations for large businesses


Whakaari/White Island eruption

The eruption of Whakaari/White Island on 9 December 2019 was a tragedy. The last of the prosecutions brought by WorkSafe due to the eruption concluded on 31 October 2023. We look at the lessons landowners and company directors can learn from these prosecutions.

Gifford Devine - Trial vs probation period

Trial periods vs probation periods

We explain the differences between trial and probation periods to enable you to better understand your options.

Gifford Devine - Business Briefs - 2023

Business briefs

Inside: Lego wins trade mark dispute with Zuru; Start preparing for the Incorporated Societies Act 2022; ESG and directors: the Companies (Directors’ Duties) Amendment Act 2023 now in force

lawyers greet

New retention monies legislation gives better protection

The Construction Contracts (Retention Money) Amendment Act 2023 was passed on 5 April this year with the legislation coming into effect on Thursday, 5 October 2023.

Gifford Devine - Directorship Issues

Mainzeal decision

Taking on the responsibility of a directorship is not a decision to be taken lightly. For New Zealand directors, the magnitude of the director role has been hammered home with the decision of the Mainzeal case from the Supreme Court in late August

Gifford Devine - Business briefs

Business briefs

Update on construction contracts retention regime; New obligations for businesses offering Buy Now Pay Later; Large businesses may need to disclose payment practices