
Over the fence

Contract grazing; 90-day trial periods available again for all employers; Minimising phosphorous in waterways

Live animal exports

In April 2023, following intense pressure from animal welfare organisations, the Labour government banned live animal exports.

Significant Natural Areas

The government announced in March 2024 that it will suspend the Significant Natural Areas requirements while it overhauls the Resource Management Act 1991.

Over the fence

Obligations of working dog owners; MPI: Animal welfare checks; Firearms Registry opened 24 June 2023

Emissions Trading Scheme

The ETS is the primary regime used to achieve the government’s long-term commitment to reduce New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions. The government has now acknowledged that the current framework is not perfect and the ETS must adapt. In June, two discussion papers were released as part of the government’s consultation process; we outline the proposed changes.

Windmill Surrounded by Grass Field

Freshwater farm plans

Freshwater farm plans are part of the Essential Fresh water package introduced by the government in 2020. We discuss what is required of farm plans that will be rolled out by region over the next two years.

Over the fence

Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Freshwater) Regulations 2020 now amended; Affordable Water Reform replaces Three Waters; Cyclone Gabrielle: animal welfare management

Leased land impacted by Cyclones Hale and Gabrielle

The damage caused to land by the recent weather events across New Zealand has raised concerns about the ongoing viability of leased land that has been impacted by these storms.

Severe Weather Emergency Legislation Act 2023

The severe weather events this year, in particular Cyclones Hale and Gabrielle, highlighted the need to amend some legislation to assist recovery and improve resilience for areas that have been impacted.

Over the fence

Increase in Recognised Seasonal Employer visas; Updates to intensive winter grazing requirements; Proposed changes to the dairy and cattle code of welfare