
legal documents

Legal documents signed during lockdown

During the COVID lockdown, special rules applied to the signing of some legal documents. Obviously it was, and is, not possible to have your signature witnessed by someone outside your bubble in Levels 3 and 4.

relationship property claim

Relationship property claims

When entering a second or subsequent relationship, it is common to want to keep assets safe from relationship property claims. An effective way to do this can be by transferring assets to a trust. Care needs to be taken, however, to ensure you do this within the law.


Trustees’ decisions

Decision-making can be affected by bias. In a recent case , trustees’ decision-making came under scrutiny from the High Court.

Do trusts pay trustees’ litigation costs

Do trusts pay trustees’ litigation costs?

We assume this will be the case, but as a trustee or executor, you aren’t always entitled to be reimbursed for your litigation costs. A recent case has highlighted the personal liability faced by trustees and executors. If you’re a trustee or executor, here’s what you need to know.


No enduring power of attorney

If you are unable to make decisions for yourself at any stage (either temporarily or longer term) it is important there is someone in place to act on your behalf.


Accessing the assets of a trust

When a marriage, civil union or de facto relationship breaks down, the couple will usually divide their property according to the Property (Relationships) Act 1976 (the PRA). However, these two people often hold property in a trust rather than personally.


Validating imperfect wills

For wills to be valid they must comply with a number of legal formalities; they must be in writing and there must be two witnesses who must attest to the will-maker signing the will in their presence.

trust to an end

How do I bring my trust to an end?

Trusts have been established for many different reasons, including estate planning, creditor protection, to ensure access to rest home subsidies, tax benefits or for protection from relationship property claims.

Do I still need a trust

Do I still need a trust?

If you have a family trust set up a number of years ago, it’s good practice to review it to ensure it is still ‘fit for purpose’. Leading on from that is the question that is often asked of us, “Should I bring my trust to an end?”


Resolving the messy business of parental care

There comes a time in life where a certain amount of role reversal takes place between children and parents.