

What happens to rural property when relationships break down?

When the Personal Property Securities Register (the PPSR) was established in 1999, most businesses were quick to catch on that it was a good idea to register security over goods that were sold under a line of credit. What wasn’t so easily recognised is that the register was designed to also capture leases of goods that are indefinite or extend past one year.

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Company or Trust

The two most common farm-owning entities are either a company or a trust. Often, a farming operation is carried out with a mix of trust ownership (typically owning the land) and a company (owning the rest). Both structures have their pros and cons; in this article we compare these two ownership models.

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Easements on Rural Land

An easement is defined as ‘a right of one person is respect of another person’s land.’

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Paper Roads and Public Access

Easier to find than ever! Paper roads are relatively widespread across New Zealand farmland. They are more precisely called ‘unformed legal roads’ and have the same legal status as any other legal road.

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Forestry Rights

Forestry Rights were created by the Forestry Rights Registration Act 1983, which means the first wave of cropping relating to those rights is well underway.

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Leasing the Farm

Leasing a farm, an orchard or cropping land is becoming more common and has attractions for both the land owner and the tenant farmer.