
Gifford Devine - Contract Compliance

Contract compliance

If you have customer contracts, inter-business contracts or contracts valued under $250,000, the Fair Trading Amendment Act 2021, that updated the Fair Trading Act 1986, should be on your radar. The changes came into effect on 16 August 2022.


Business briefs

Topics covered in this article: Fair Pay Agreements Bill on the table; Proposed legislation to address modern slavery and worker exploitation; Incorporated societies – what’s next?; Next stage of vaping legislation coming into effect.

Gifford-Devine-Proposed Income Insurance Scheme

Proposed Income Insurance Scheme

In February, the government proposed a new compulsory insurance scheme for all employees. We look at what the proposed scheme would involve and whether you as an employer should prepare.


2022 Budget

The Minister of Finance, the Hon Grant Robertson, presented the government’s Wellbeing Budget to the House on Thursday, 19 May. With an eye on the late 2023 general election, did the Budget give short-term relief for New Zealanders or did it take the long-term view for the good of the country? The government has probably put a dollar each way.

Gifford Devine - Business Briefs

Business briefs

Charges against Bunnings dismissed; Directors found trading recklessly may face multiple fines; Important upcoming legislation drafted.

Gifford Devine - Grounding your jet-setters

Grounding your jet-setters

Since Covid appeared in New Zealand in early 2020, employers have navigated a variety of complex matters relating to vaccinations, vaccine passes, alert systems and workforce management.


From a legal perspective, hiring contractors has always been tricky. The onus of correctly identifying who is an employee versus a contractor, and ensuring legal compliance, remains an employer’s responsibility.


Business briefs

Topics covered in this article: unfair contract terms regime extended to small business contracts; new sick leave provisions; changes to the retention money regime for construction contracts.


Lease vs licence

Leases and licences are common contractual arrangements. Although both are similar, there are crucial differences between them which can have significant implications for anyone who owns or occupies commercial premises.


Bonding agreements

Bonding agreements can be an incredibly useful tool for ensuring employers can recoup costs incurred for training staff.