Buying a business can be a significant commitment of time and money, so you won’t want to find out there are issues after settlement, especially ones that come at a big cost. Even if you’re not a first time buyer, following the process can seem complex. If you’re looking to buy a business, our business lawyers have put together a step by step guide to doing it right.
No enduring power of attorney
If you are unable to make decisions for yourself at any stage (either temporarily or longer term) it is important there is someone in place to act on your behalf.
Accessing the assets of a trust
When a marriage, civil union or de facto relationship breaks down, the couple will usually divide their property according to the Property (Relationships) Act 1976 (the PRA). However, these two people often hold property in a trust rather than personally.
How to buy a business without getting burned
Buying a business can be a significant commitment of time and money, so you won’t want to find out there are issues after settlement, especially ones that come at a big cost. Even if you’re not a first time buyer, following the process can seem complex. If you’re looking to buy a business, our business lawyers have put together a step by step guide to doing it right.
Business briefs
A recent decision in the Court of Appeal* has made a director liable for almost $500,000 of company debt due to the company’s failure to keep adequate accounting records.
Potpourri of employment law changes ahead
Last year saw many changes in the employment law sphere, with the Labour-led government delivering on promises of reform in this area.
Construction industry and its retentions scheme
The collapse last year of Ebert Construction Limited took many in the construction industry by surprise, particularly its subcontractors who were owed retention moneys.
Over the fence
Mycoplasma bovis (M. bovis) continues to be a real concern for the farming industry in New Zealand.
Wandering stock
One of the perennial problems that farmers face is that of stock wandering or stock getting out and interfering with, or causing damage to, neighbouring properties
Agri-tourism and food
Agri-tourism and food are growing sectors in New Zealand. We have farm tourism where tourists are shown working farms with activities such as sheep dog and shearing exhibitions.
The agreement for sale and purchase
Given the significant financial commitment involved in purchasing a property, you want to make sure your investment is sound. One way of ensuring that a property is right for you is to include some conditions in your agreement for sale and purchase.